黃影嫦 Ying Sheung Wong
黃影嫦,2012年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,於大學期間已開始陶藝創作。畢業後於本地中學從事全職視覺藝術科教育工作數年,其後希望以藝術創作為人生依歸,毅然辭職並到英國巴斯(Bath)的 Bath Spa University 修讀陶藝設計碩士課程。作品曾於英國巴斯(Bath)和弗羅姆(Frome)展覽,獲當地藝術館和酒店收藏,現為全職陶泥藝術家。
Ying Sheung Wong is an emerging Hong Kong-based ceramic artist, she graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at the Hong Kong Baptist University, where she started making ceramic art. After graduating in 2012, she worked as a full-time visual arts teacher at a local secondary school for several years. As she hoped to pursue a lifelong career in art, she resigned from the teaching position and moved on to study for a Master's degree in Ceramic Art and Design at Bath Spa University in the UK. Her works have been exhibited in Bath and Frome, England, and are collected by local galleries and hotels. She is now a full-time ceramic artist.

Volume of time
黃影嫦 Ying Sheung Wong
15 x 15 x 6cm (一組6件/ set of 6)
The casting slip has a ‘mind of its own’; which is not able to be fully controllled.There is an unstable balancing act between this strange materials and articistic intentions.
15ml 00:05:30
50ml 00:15:00
150ml 00:20:00
200ml 00:25:30
300ml 00:35:00
450ml 00:40:00