陳思光 Ray Chan
陳思光先後於英國劍橋大學取得學士及碩士學位,2002年完成香港藝術學院與澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學合辦之藝術學士課程,主修陶瓷,並於2007年取得藝術碩士學位。陳思光是International Academy of Ceramics (IAC)會員及香港當代陶藝協會會長,作品為香港文化博物館收藏。
Ray Chan See-kwong received a bachelor's and a master's degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, and a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) and Master of Fine Art degree from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (co-presented with Hong Kong Art School) in 2002 and 2007, respectively. Chan is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) and the Chairman of the Contemporary Ceramic Society (H.K.). His artworks are in the collections of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.

Clay con moto IIa
陳思光 Ray Chan
85 x 85cm (紙本與錄像/ paper with video)
Ray explores the dance quality in clay through its own movement during shrinkage, existed free from the manipulations of hands. Ray attempts to take a literal approach of a quote by the then American ceramic artist Stephen De Staebler about his making process saying that clay "has an inner instinct for form," and that "what I have tried to do for a long time is to find out what the clay wants to do."