黎晧 Ho Lai
黎晧,香港陶藝家,現居倫敦,其作品以探索陶瓷的當代性及實驗材料為主。2016年於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院取得學士學位(榮譽), 隨後於2019年在英國皇家藝術學院取得陶瓷及玻璃碩士學位,並獲頒發英國商會會堂獎學金,同年入圍英國陶瓷雙年展FRESH新進藝術家獎。2021年再次入圍英國陶瓷雙年展,獲委約創作裝置作品’Fluxing Red’ 於英國瓷都 - 史篤城展出,並於AWARD展覽競逐雙年展大獎。黎氏亦於同年入圍歐洲應用藝術獎以及西班牙第17屆國際當代陶瓷獎,作品曾於英國、西班牙、比利時及香港等地展出,現於其倫敦工作室繼續創作。
Ho Lai is a ceramic artist from Hong Kong, currently based in London. Her work explores the contemporary nature of ceramics, experimenting with the materials and processes involved in its creation. In 2016, she graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts Hong Kong Baptist University attaining a BA in Visual Arts, and was awarded the AVA Keeper of Studies Collection Award. In 2019 Lai graduated from the Royal College of Art attained MA in Ceramics & Glass and was awarded The Grocer’s Hall Scholarship. Upon graduation, she was shortlisted as one of the FRESH exhibition emerging artists at the British Ceramics Biennial. In 2021, she was shortlisted as the British Ceramics Biennial AWARD exhibition headline artist and was commissioned to create a wall installation named ‘Fluxing Red’, exhibited in Stoke-on-Trent the ceramics capital in the UK. She was also shortlisted for the European Prize for Applied Arts and the XVII International Contemporary Ceramics Award in the same year. Her works are exhibited widely in the UK, Spain, Belgium, and Hong Kong. She is currently continuing her artistic practice in her studio in southeast London.

Mellow III
黎晧 Ho Lai
15 x 5 x 10cm
我從陶瓷物料的轉化中尋找出微妙的詩意, 嘗試以材料實驗打破製作陶瓷的傳統技巧。透過色彩配合和物料實驗,以燒製過程留住瓷泥溶化的瞬間。
I find poetics in the transformation of material through working in the approach both subversive and experimental. Through colour combinations and material experimentation, I intended to capture the dissolving quality of clay through firing.