黃翠雯 Amanda Chui Man Vong
她主要從事藝術教育工作,亦曾參與及舉辦多個社區藝術計劃。包括2020年策劃「藝術在南區 」社區藝術提案之一「光影漁陶」及2018年策劃香港青年高峰會入圍藝術敎育計劃「尋皿店」。現為「兒」動藝術館的藝術導師。
Amanda Vong Chui-man graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at the Hong Kong Baptist University. She focuses on relational art and explores human relationships and objects that they own. She specialises in using images as blueprints and giving an image through the transformation of materials.
She engages in art education and participates in organising community art projects, including “Shadow of Fishery”, one of the community art proposals of "The Heritage and Community Arts Project" in 2020, and the art education programme “Cham Ming Dim” in 2018. She is now one of the art educators of “Artkids studio”.

Sweet memories
黃翠雯 Amanda Chui Man Vong
40 x 10 x 8 cm
A memorable childhood memory is full of happiness, though you are not with me anymore. I can still taste the sweetness of the ice cream. Every time I open a cup of ice cream, I wish you can taste it with me in the heaven.